News archive
Leonid Kuchma Visited Ostroh Academy
On 25 September 2008 the ex-president of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma accompanied by the Head of Rivne Region Council Oleksandr Danylchuk, ex-head of Rivne Region State Administration Mykola Soroka, and the protector of Ostroh Academy Roman Vasylyshyn visited Ostroh Academy National University
25 September 2008
Famous Sponsors Became Honorary Academicians
Famous Canadian-Ukrainian sponsors of Ostroh Academy Yarmila and Erast Hutsuliak were inaugurated the titles of Honorary Academicians of Ostroh Academic Fellowship
18 September 2008
Resolving Problems of Diaspora Studies
Ostroh Academy National University hosted a three-day 3rd International Conference Ukrainian Diaspora: Research Problems
10 September 2008
Stepan Kacharai Was Awarded Honorary Membership
The students of Ostroh Academy National University had a meeting with the President of Ukrainian National Association Stepan Kacharai
04 September 2008
Mykola Zhulynskyi Visited Ostroh Academy
Mykola Zhulynskyi, professor and academician, gave a lecture to the 1st year students of Ostroh Academy National University
01 September 2008