News archive
A statement of the Student Brotherhood of Ostroh Academy
On 22 November, Ostroh Academy students upheld Ukraine's Eurointegration course and signing of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement by majority vote
26 November 2013
The winners of the Vytoky contest announced at Ostroh Academy
It has become a tradition at Ostroh Academy to review the results of the Vytoky contest on the eve of the Ukrainian Language Day celebrated under the auspices of Professor Tsap
08 November 2013
Jan Malicki became Honorary Doctor of Ostroh Academy
On 6 November, the National University of Ostroh Academy was visited by the Polish delegation including Henryk Litwin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Ukraine, Krzysztof Savitsky, Vice-Consul of the Republic of Poland in Lutsk, and Jan Malicki, Director of the Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw
07 November 2013