Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature

Head of the Department: Vitalii Maksymchuk, PhD, Associate Professor
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 2 p.m – 5 p.m.

Senior Assistant: Anastasia Repak
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m – 6 p.m.
General information
The Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, which is part of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Social and Humanitarian Management, was established by the Rector’s Order “On Reorganization of Departments of Journalism and Literature, Ukrainian Language” № 4 of September 3, 2012. During 2012-2020, the Department was headed by Ivan Khomiak, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 2020–2021 Oleksandra Visych, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, was the head of the department. In September 2021, Vitalii Maksymchuk, PhD, Associate Professor, became head of the department.
The Department educates specialists in the specialty 035 Philology, Specialization 035.01 Ukrainian language and Literature. The social expediency of this area is determined by the need to create intellectual and spiritually potential of the Ukrainian people, as well as the need for national revival, statehood, and democratization of society, providing the region with highly qualified Ukrainian philologists.
In its activities, the Department is guided by the tasks of transformation of humanitarian education in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, the program “Education of the XXI century”. Training of highly qualified specialists requires the use of the latest teaching methods and technologies. In this regard, the entire educational process is built in accordance with the European credit transfer system. Teachers of the Department use different forms and methods of teaching, namely:
- Problematic and visualized lectures;
- interactive methods;
- game and non-game teaching methods;
- test and combined forms of control;
- independent work of students;
- research work;
- distance (online) learning.
Educational work is carried out in accordance with the approved plan. It includes informing students about the organization of the educational process at the university; assistance to students in preparation for national and university holidays, anniversaries of the philological calendar; pedagogical control over observance of moral and ethical norms of behavior, safety rules, statute and internal regulations of the National University of Ostroh Academy.
Teachers systematically update their syllabuses, forms of control of students’ knowledge, topics of academic essays, term and final papers, tasks for independent work of students. The Department has developed programs of folklore, ethnolinguistic, educational (educational and creative), pedagogical and research-assistant practices, guidelines for writing term papers and qualification papers.
The Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature cooperates with the Institute of Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Uzhhorod National University, National Commission on State Language Standards.
Areas of Research
The staff of the department works on the following research topics:
- “Lexical and Stylistic Parameters of the Ukrainian Language and Speech in the Semantic and Communicative Dimension”, registration number 0119U101111 (supervisor – Ivan Khomiak, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine);
- “Problems of Identity, Memory and Ethos in Ukrainian Literature”, registration number 0119U103385 (supervisors – Svitlana Kocherha, Doctor of Philology, Professor, and Oksana Pukhonska, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor).
Research and Creative Activity
There are several workshops, laboratories, and studios at the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature:
- Scientific workshop “Genius loci” (head – Svitlana Kocherha, Doctor of Philology, Professor). The purpose is to study the geopoetic specifics of the works of prominent Ukrainian writers within the Ostroh and Rivne region; to improve critical and analytical skills; to promote the development of creative potential of applicants and gain scientific experience.
- Lexicographic laboratory “Ostroh Neographer” (head – Vitalii Maksymchuk, PhD, Associate Professor). The laboratory involves the formation of an empirical basis for creating a common dictionary of author's lexical innovations in Ukrainian poetry of the XIX-XXI centuries; to research neology of the most active writers-word-creators; to study dynamic processes in the lexical and phraseological system of modern football discourse; compilation and publication of dictionaries of neological vocabulary.
- Cultural-speaking workshop “Speech Guide” (head – Khrystyna Karpovets, PhD, Senior Lecturer). The topics of the workshop are related to such disciplines as “Expressive Reading and Public Speaking”, “Spelling Workshop”, “Ukrainian Language Culture and Stylistics”, “Theory and Practice of Editing”, as well as the teaching practice of philology students. The activities of the workshop are aimed at improving the culture of oral and written speech, to develop the ability to use language in accordance with a certain communication situation, which in turn allows to improve communicative competence in general.
- Literary studio (head – Oksana Pukhonska, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor). The studio is designed to continue the long tradition of realizing student prose, poetry, and drama talents in author’s readings, discussions, and publications. Also, it is a good platform for creative self-determination that creates an environment for like-minded people.
Specifics of Educational Programs
Bachelor of Philology
Field of knowledge – 03 Humanities.
Specialty – 035 Philology.
Specialization – 035.01 Ukrainian Language and Literature.
The purpose of this program is to prepare nationally conscious, competently erudite specialists who are able to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of Ukrainian philology, creatively solve typical professional problems, speak and write orally in various communicative situations.
The educational program has a communicative orientation, which includes the ability to successfully communicate in both Ukrainian and English in various life situations as well as creatively solve typical professional problems in the field of Ukrainian philology.
Bachelor of Philology can work in:
- scientific, literary, publishing, and educational fields;
- the media;
- various foundations, unions, humanitarian foundations, museums, art and cultural centers, literary unions;
- various sectors of the economy, where services are needed to create, analyze, and evaluate texts.
Master of Philology
Field of knowledge – 03 Humanities.
Specialty – 035 Philology.
Specialization – 035.01 Ukrainian Language and Literature.
The purpose of this program is to prepare nationally conscious, scientifically erudite specialists in the field of Ukrainian philology, able to solve complex professional issues and problems, speak and write in various communicative situations, create sound research concepts using innovative technologies under uncertain conditions and requirements.
The educational program includes subjects related to the use of applied technologies in philological activities, providing a wide range of elective subjects focused on European educational standards.
Master of Philology can work in:
- scientific, literary, publishing and educational fields;
- teaching, research and administrative positions in higher education institutions;
- mass media, internet marketing;
- various foundations, unions, humanitarian foundations, museums, art and cultural centers;
- various sectors of the national economy, where services are needed to create, analyze, and evaluate texts.
PhD in Philology
Field of knowledge – 03 Humanities.
Specialty – 035 Philology.
The purpose of this program is to provide PhD students in the specialty 035 Philology, who able to solve complex problems, conduct original independent research, and carry out scientific and pedagogical activities aimed at training highly qualified personnel.
The program is focused on conducting basic research in the field of literary studies and linguistics, in particular Ukrainian, using the latest information databases and scientific methods of assessing relevant phenomena and processes.