Research centers
Research centre of study of scientific, educational, public and political heritage of Academician I.Malynovskyi

Head: Popeliushko Vasyl Oleksandrovych, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Criminal Law
Contact information:
Address: 2 Seminarska str., Ostroh, Rivne region
Phone: (03654) 2-39-30
Employees of the Centre:
- Herasymchuk Oleh Pavlovych, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law
- Borzhetska Nataliya Leonidivna, Candidate of Law, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines
- Matviichuk Mariya Anatoliyivna, lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law
- Maksymchuk Oksana Oleksiyivna, lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law
The purpose of the Center:
Research of scientific, educational, public and political heritage of Academician I. Malynovskyi, a prominent lawyer from Ostroh
Areas of work of the Centre:
- research of I. Malynovskyi's biography;
- translation of works by Academician I. Malynovskyi into modern language, reprint of these works;
- actualization of student research of I. Malynovskyi's legacy;
- conducting scientific and practical events (conferences, seminars, round tables) dedicated to the memory of I. Malynovskyi, research of his works;
- establishing contacts with foreign higher educational and scientific institutions in which Academician I. Malynovskyi worked, and other institutions.
Laboratory of documents and handwriting research
Керівник: Gongalo Serhiy Yosypovych, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law
Contact Information:
tel / fax: (03654) 2-39-30
Office hours: Monday to Friday: 16:00 to 18:00.
The overall goal of the Laboratory is to develop innovative methods, ways to solve and solve problems in a particular field and in the field of science as a whole.
The activities of the Laboratory include cooperation with other structural units of the University, sectoral services, departments of ministries and other state institutions of Ukraine, higher educational and research establishments of Ukraine, state and non-governmental enterprises, institutions and organizations, public associations having activities related to the Laboratory.
The main tasks of the Research laboratory are as follows:
- implementation of fundamental and applied scientific and research developments aimed at meeting the needs of society, publishing their results and implementation in practice and educational process, providing patent and licensing work;
- carrying out fundamental and applied research in contractual topics;
- searching for, studying and testing of best practices, innovations in the organization and carrying out of the educational process in other higher education institutions;
- providing an organic combination of educational, methodological, organizational and scientific work in the teaching process of the University.
The main functions of the Research laboratory are as follows:
- providing for scientific, consulting, expert and other services to departments, structural units of the University, other stakeholders;
- involvement of scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral students, post-graduate students, listeners and students of the University in the performance of research works.
- There is a forensic test site, the main function of which is to provide students with practical skills in the use of scientific and technical means of the investigator (forensic inspector), the use of forensic techniques in investigative activities.
Research Laboratory for the study of modern municipalism problems

Head: Drobush Iryna Viktorivna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines
Contact information:
tel / fax: (03654) 2-39-30
Research Laboratory for the study of modern municipalism problems is a centre of cooperation and interaction of lecturers, students, graduate students who are interested in profond study of the problems of the current stage of development of local government, the evolution of its forms in the context of the European integration process.
Research Laboratory operates in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Technical Activities", the Charter of the National University "Ostroh Academy", regulations on the organization of the educational process, regulations on problems of modern municipalism.
The activities of the Laboratory are carryied out according to the principles of equality of all subjects of research activities, openness, transparency, combination of research activities with the educational process.
Research Laboratory operates at the Department of State and Legal Disciplines under the leadership of Drobush Iryna Viktorivna, Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department.
The main activities of Research Laboratory are:
- providing for scientific, consulting, expert and other services to the departments and other structural units of the University, other stakeholders;
- promoting the development of creative potential of students and graduate students of the University, involvement of scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral students, graduate students, applicants, listeners and students of the University in the performance of research work;
- assisting students in performing research tasks during internships in local governments and local state administrations.
- Participation in writing scientific papers competitions, preparation of scientific reports, reports on current issues of local governments, scientific search for solutions and taking into account the main directions of constitutional reform in decentralization of public power, practical implementation of human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine; analysis of international legal standards in the field of local self-government and the possibility of borrowing foreign experience in developing an effective mechanism for implementing the functions of municipal government in Ukraine;
- preparation of scientific publications, reviews, annotations of published works;
- preparation and provision of recommendations for participation in scientific conferences, as well as recommendations for the publication of scientific papers of students and graduate students of the specialty 12.00.02 after their testing (presentation of a report in accordance with the subject of the article).
- establishing close cooperation with representatives of local governments, self-organization bodies, assistance in local rule-making processes, providing for legal assessment of local government decisions, methodological assistance in developing and adopting statutes of territorial communities, etc.;
- development of human resources, participation in the training of scientific and pedagogical staff;
- organization and holding of scientific events (seminars, debates, round tables, conferences, etc.) on the problems of decentralization of power and the development of municipalism in Ukraine.