Department of State and Legal Disciplines

Head of the Department: Drobush Iryna Viktorivna, Doctor of Law, Professor
Contact information: New academic building of the University, 3 Nezalezhnosti Ave., room 314
Official hours: Monday – Friday: 9.00-17.00, lunch break: 13.00–14.00

Secretary of the Department: Volhusheva Olena Leonidivna
Contact information: New academic building of the Universit, 3 Nezalezhnosti Ave., room 314
Official hours: Monday – Friday: 9.00-17.00, lunch break: 13.00–14.00
General information about the Department
In 1999, as a result of the reorganization of the Department of Legal and Psychological and Pedagogical Disciplines was established the Department of General Theoretical Legal Disciplines (Order No. 11 of 29.09.1999). On October 14, 1999, it was renamed into the Department of History and Theory of State and Law, and in March 2005 it was renamed into the Department of State and Legal Disciplines.
Educational and methodical activity of the Department
The Department provides lecturing of the following courses:
- Administrative Law and Process
- Administrative Proceedings
- Topical Issues of Administrative Legal Procedure
- Topical Issues of Constitutional Law
- Topical Issues of municipal law
- Topical Issues of Municipal and Administrative Law
- English
- English for professional purposes
- Banking law
- Information law
- Constitutional Justice
- Constitutional Law of Ukraine: System of Governance
- International Public Law
- International Law
- International Tax Law
- Public Service in Ukraine
- Legal writing in English
- Tax Law
- Modern studies of Public Law
- Finance Law
Scientific activity of the Department
Theme of scientific research of the Department: "Problems of state-building and protection of human rights in Ukraine" (state registration number: 0110U000890), guided by – Drobush Iryna Viktorivna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law by I. Malinovskyi National University of "Ostroh Academy".
The purpose of the scientific research: research the actual problems of realization of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Ukraine, to improve the mechanism of their protection; reforming public authorities in the context of the European integration process.
At the Department of State and Legal Disciplines there are scientific circles:
- "Legal English Speaking Club" (purpose: to form students general and professionally oriented communicative speech competencies (linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic) to ensure their effective communication in the academic and professional environment, guided by a a Senior Lecturer Baisan Dina Viacheslavivna.
- "Integration processes in Ukraine regarding membership in NATO and the European Union" (purpose: to expand the scientific potential of students, and to develop skills in research activities on cooperation and prospects of Ukraine's membership in the EU and NATO, guided by Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Strelbitska Lesia Yaroslavivna.
- "Features of administrative responsibility" (purpose: to study the role of administrative responsibility as a type of legal responsibility in the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, as well as the interests of the state from unlawful encroachments of violators, guided by a Senior Lecturer Kurhanska Olena Viktorivna.
From September 1, 2017, began functioning at the Department a research laboratory for the study of the problems of modern municipalism, under the guidance of Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department Drobush Iryna Viktorivna.
In total, 11 teachers work at the department, 8 of them are scientific degrees. The teaching staff of the department is constantly improving their skills, systematically participates in international and national scientific conferences.