Department of Finance, Accounting and Audit

Head of the Department: Olha Demianchuk, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Auditing
Contact information:
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., lunch break: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Department Assistant: Rita Nahorna
Contact information: Central Campus
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 8.30 a.m – 5:30 p.m., lunch break: 12:30 p.m.- 1:30 p.m.
General information about the Department
The Department of Finance, Accounting and Audit was established in 1999.
The department provides teaching professional disciplines: finance, corporate finance, financial management, audit, tax system, budget system, money and credit, financial services market, financial activity of business entities, corporate finance, banking system, accounting, financial accounting, taxation of business entities, insurance, insurance management, organization and methods of audit, international finance, anti-crisis models of enterprise management, management accounting, organization of small business accounting, accounting in budgetary institutions, accounting in banks, fiscal policy of Ukraine, business planning, financial accounting I, financial accounting II, enterprise reporting, financial market assessment, international accounting and reporting standards, internal control of corporations, tax calculations and reporting, financial management and controlling, financial analysis, accounting by economic activity, methodology of research in finance, banking and insurance, finance in the global economic system, organization of accounting, strategic management accounting, international settlements and foreign exchange transactions, financial awareness, economic diagnostics of the enterprise, basics of project management, budget system, accounting in the national economy, public finance management.
Our Educational Programs:
- Accounting and Taxation
- Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Finance and Business Analytics
- Accounting and Taxation
- Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Finance and Business Analytics
The tasks of the Department:
- providing a high level of professional training for students, providing them with the knowledge, skills and competences that makes graduates competitive in the labor market;
- active social partnership with employers on the basis of long-term cooperation agreements and effective promotion of graduates’ employment;
- implementation of innovative educational technologies, modern forms of distance learning, publication of textbooks and manuals, replenishment of databases of electronic textbooks, methodical manuals and auxiliary materials for full-time and part-time students;
- cooperation with business entities for the scientific research of contractual topics and grants;
- development of international cooperation with foreign universities.
Scientific Activity:
The academics of the department are working on the research topic “Providing sustainable development of Ukrainian financial system in the age of globalization”, (state registration number - 0102U005190). The research topic is supervised by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Nataliia Mamontova.
Scientific interests of members of the Department:
- Mamontova N. Cost-oriented management in the conditions of globalization. Assessment of intellectual capital. Investments in the energy market in a context of sustainable development.
- Demianchuk O. Financial potential in the formation of local budgets in the process of decentralization.
- Kryvytska O. Strategic priorities of the insurance market in Ukraine.
- Noginova N. Tax Reforms in Ukraine with Changes to Tax Legislation.
- Fominyh M. Banking system. Bank operations.
- Kharchuk Yu. Accounting and analytical support of financial stability and economic safety of economic entities.
- Shulyk Yu. Budget policy. Investment. Fiscal policy.
- Novak A. Positioning of higher education institutions in the market of educational services.
The International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "The financial system of the country: trends and prospects of development" is held annually by the Department.
The following student scientific groups operate on the basis of the department:
- "Budget Decentralization in Ukraine and its Impact on the Development of Territorial Communities". Leader: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Demianchuk Olha;
- "Accounting and analytical support of business entities in the conditions of globalization". Leader: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kharchuk Yulia.;
- "Strategic prospects for the development of the insurance market of Ukraine". Leader: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kryvytska Olha