The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


The National University of Ostroh Academy receive the status of autonomous research national higher educational establishment.


Ostroh Academy abounds with the projects which welcome the students willing to actively participate, reveal their creative potential and realize their selves.


The National University of Ostroh Academy invites foreigners to become students of one of the most prestigious educational institution. More information can be found here.

Cooperation with international educational organizations and foundations

The National University of Ostroh Academy is in constant contact with the following foreign organizations:


The Ukrainian National Association (UNA)The UNA was formed in 1894 as a not-for-profit fraternal benefit society in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, and organized as a fraternal insurance society united by the bond of our common Ukrainian heritage. For over a century, the Ukrainian National Association has been providing security, protection for and peace of mind for families, as well as social activities to its members. The UNA offers life insurance products for all ages, retirement and education savings programs, as well as many member benefits.

 Ukrainian Historical Society (UIT) - Scientific Society, founded in 1965 in the United States initiated by L.A. Wynar; The Head A. Ohloblyn (up to 1981), the scientific secretary L. Wynar, who led the Association in 1981 and is headed now. First Deputy Chairman of the UIT was N. Polonska-Vasilenko. UIT was founded around the journal "Ukrainian historian," which comes from the 1963. Articles from the journal are reviewed in leading journal abstracts of US and Europe. UIT is the initiator and organizer of the International Congress of Ukrainian historians.

 Ukrainian Language named. Shevchenko (USA) NGO Ukrainian diaspora in the US, which was established in 1989. The main purpose of the organization - of assistance campaign related to civic and political organizations in Ukraine. First of all - Ukrainian Language and People's Rukh of Ukraine. The founders of Taras Hunczak John Fizer, Leonid Rudnytsky, Larissa Onyszkiewicz, Bogdan Pevyy and Roman funnel. Chairman of the organization - Professor Roman funnel. Main Company's shares Ukrainian language USA - Tum help Ukraine and PRU computers, books. Several members of the US-Tan came to Ukraine from lecturing courses to higher education (including Taras Hunczak Roman Funnel).

Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the US - is an association of scholars dedicated to the promotion and advancement of Ukrainian studies and culture in the United States. It was established in 1950 in New York City as heir to the tradition of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences of the 1920s in Kyiv. Since its founding, the Academy has published over 140 books and journal issues. Although research and education are the primary activities of the Academy, a Not-for-Profit Corporation, it also serves the general public interest in the City of New York by providing information and counseling to scholars and students regarding higher education in the United States and abroad, by sponsoring educational and cultural events open to the general public and, as noted above, by cooperating with other appropriate scholarly and cultural institutions.

The Ukrainian National Women's League of America (UNWLA) is a charitable and cultural organization that unites women of Ukrainian descent as well as those who are active in the Ukrainian communities of the United States. Established in 1925, the organization is guided by the principles of political non-partisanship, religious tolerance, and universal respect for human rights.The purpose of UNWLA, Inc. is to unite women of Ukrainian descent and those affiliated with the Ukrainian community.

World Federation of Ukrainian Women Organizations is established in 1948 in the United States, in Philadelphia, by ten women’s organizations, the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO), now based in Toronto, Canada, unites 27 organizations from 17 countries on four continents. Representing a spectrum of women’s organizations pursuing civic, religious, cultural, educational, immigration, and humanitarian goals, WFUWO reflects the activity of local Ukrainian communities worldwide, as well as international networking through a relationship with the United Nations. WFUWO is an NGO in consultative status with UN/ECOSOC (1993), accredited with UNDPI (1990), and a member of the NGO Committee on UNICEF (1997). At the core of WFUWO’s mission is support for the dignity and integrity of women in Ukraine and Ukrainian women in émigré communities by supporting adherence to international standards of human rights, raising public awareness of problems and violations, maintaining Ukrainian language and culture, cultivating awareness of Ukrainian history, family and social traditions, as well as efforts that support modern Ukraine’s development into an independent, stable democracy with respect for rule of law.

The Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies (CFUS) is dedicated to securing funds to support the growth and development of Ukrainian studies in Canada and elsewhere.Since its creation in 1975 by the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Federation, CFUS has contributed over three million dollars to grants for various publications, scholarly and educational research projects, annual scholarships, teaching of new university level courses, exploration of Ukrainian cinema, public lectures, and conferences or symposia on topics pertaining to Ukraine or to Ukrainians in Canada. Our initiative supports the work of scholars and graduate students of Ukrainian studies at the universities of Alberta, British Columbia, McGill, Newfoundland, Ottawa, Queens, Toronto and Victoria in Canada, and at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Ostroh Academy national universities in Ukraine, among others.

Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada is a Ukrainian Canadian organization with a focus on education and learning. It welcomes members of all backgrounds who value education. The Society undertakes activities which advance education in the field of Ukrainian and Ukrainian Canadian history, culture, and language through regular public lectures by scholars and other specialists. It stimulates scholarly activity by providing research grants and support for publications. The Society provides forums for researchers, scientists, and artists to share their ideas and findings by organizing conferences, symposia, seminars, and round table discussions open to the general public.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) describes itself as being the representative of the Ukrainian Canadian community before the people and Government of Canada, promotes linkages with Ukraine and identifies and addresses the needs of the Ukrainian community in Canada to ensure its continued existence and development for the enhancement of Canada’s socio-cultural fabric. Originally known as the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, it was established as a result of the efforts of the Ukrainian Canadian community in November 1940 by the Government of Canada.


Ostroh Academy also cooperates with educational organizations and foundations in Ukraine as follows:

The Fulbright Program in Ukraine is a program of competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists, founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946. Under the Fulbright Program, competitively selected U.S. citizens may become eligible for scholarships to study, conduct research, or exercise their talents abroad; and citizens of other countries may qualify to do the same in the United States. The program was established to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries through the exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills. The Fulbright Program provides 8,000 grants annually to undertake graduate study, advanced research, university lecturing, and classroom teaching.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)  is the largest German support organisation in the field of international academic co-operation. DAAD is a private, federally funded and state-funded, self-governing national agency of the institutions of higher education in Germany, representing 365 German higher education institutions (100 universities and technical universities, 162 general universities of applied sciences, and 52 colleges of music and art). Also promote internationalisation efforts at German universities, help developing countries build their own systems of higher education, and support German Studies and German language programmes abroad.

The OEAD advises, promotes and supports international cooperation in education, science and research. We support strategic development and guide implementation measures. We analyse international developments and work out appropriate recommendations and measures to be taken. The basics: continuous benchmarking, knowledge management, knowledge processing and permanent dialogue with our partners.

American Councils for International Education (ACTR ACCELS)  is the worldwide leader in connecting people from the US, Eastern Europe and Eurasia to learning and to each other. American Councils first opened its doors in Ukraine in 1992.  Since then American Councils has administered numerous programs sponsored by the US Government, developed projects in civil society building and contributed to the development of standardized testing in Ukraine.  Our staff of seasoned professionals is trained to serve the Ukrainian public in the field of educational exchanges between the US and Ukraine.

Consortium for Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education (CEUME) - a non-profit organization that provides information and methodological support to higher education institutions and their teachers to improve the teaching of management cycle subjects. The consortium provided training workshops, summer institutes, foreign training of teachers and administrators, publication of literature, conferences, research within the project "Business Management Education in Ukraine".

International Renaissance Foundation. The International Renaissance Foundation’s mission is to foster an open, participatory, pluralist society based on democratic values in Ukraine. It is part of the Open Society Foundations network established by investor and philanthropist George Soros.

Educational Advising Center «Osvita» is established to provide information to the public on issues related to international education and exchange opportunities. Similar centers exist in other main cities of Ukraine: Dnipro, Kharkiv, and Odesa.Educational Advising Center «Osvita» is equipped with library of catalogues on institutions of higher learning and financial opportunities in North America, Western Europe, and other countries around the globe. It also provides information on the university application process and bulletins and preparatory materials for standardized testing (TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, SAT). In addition, «Osvita» Center offers information about and applications for programs administrated by the Open Society Institute. Information is also periodically provided by other organizations.