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Ostroh Academy Celebrated the Week of the Institute of Linguistics

May 24, 2024

On May 20-24, celebrations dedicated to the Educational and Scientific Institute of Linguistics were held at the National University of Ostroh Academy.

Monday began with a solemn opening ceremony, during which their congratulations were expressed by Professor Ihor Pasichnyk, the acting Rector of Ostroh Academy, Doctor of Science (Psychology); Associate Professor Inna Kovalchuk, Institute director, Cand. Sc. (Psychology); Associate Professor Svitlana Novoseletska, the first dean of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages, Cand. Sc. (Psychology); Professor Vasyl Zhukovskyi, Doctor of Science (Pedagogics); Olena Sirko, a first graduate of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages; and Vasyl Muterko, dean of students from 2017-2019.

"On behalf of the university administration, I congratulate the entire teaching staff and students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Linguistics. It is important that you have made this week a charitable one, primarily to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Your work as volunteers, especially with the onset of a full-scale invasion, is powerful and highly dynamic. Intelligence, empathy, kindness - all these are inherent in you. You should be proud of yourself, your lecturers, the Institute and Ostroh Academy,"

Ihor Pasichnyk noted.

"I want to thank Ihor Demydovych for the revival of Ostroh Academy and Svitlana Volodymyrivna for the foundation of our faculty. I am happy to work with a team that inspires, gives new ideas, is dynamic, progressive, strong-willed. Together with students, we create the institute we dream of. Despite the problems and challenges in our country and the world, we are holding our ground because we know that as long as we are together, we will overcome everything. We are moving forward as one family,"

Inna Kovalchuk added.

"For 23 years, our faculty has achieved a lot. Our students and lecturers proposed and initiated the well-known traditions of Ostroh Academy. We are dedicated, creative, hardworking. Our graduates work in many countries around the world. You should be proud of yourself because you are masters of foreign languages; working for your future and great job. I am happy that the traditions of our faculty started many years ago, are now still on,"

Svitlana Novoseletska noted.

"It is a great honour to be here with you and remember the glory of our institute. Dear students, you have the wonderful advantage of learning foreign languages and different cultures and building a bridge between nations. You should use these important opportunities, learn the language not only to have a good job but also to tell the whole world about Russian aggression against Ukraine, to make our victory closer,"

Vasyl Zhukovskyi emphasised.

"I am thrilled to be at Ostroh Academy today, opening the Week of the Institute of Linguistics. I hope that this week is a unique opportunity for all of us to celebrate the achievements of our institute, to thank lecturers and mentors, and to share the experience of the fascinating science of linguistics,"

Olena Sirko noted.

"The day when I became the student dean of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages ​​was one of the best days at the university for me. I sincerely thank my team, who have always been there. Studying at Ostroh Academy gave me both personal and professional development, for which I am extremely grateful. Thanks to everyone who was and is the history of our faculty and university,"

Vasyl Muterko summarised.

On Tuesday, a prayer service for the Institute of Linguistics was held in The Academic Church of St. Fedir Ostrozkyi of the NaUOA. The academic community prayed together for the prosperity of the Institute and the University, as well as for peace in Ukraine.

In the evening, a traditional Coffee House event was held, during which students could gather in the academic park of Ostroh Academy and sing famous songs in different languages ​​worldwide.

On Wednesday, students organised a charity fair where everyone could buy sweets and other goodies and donate to the Armed Forces. They also arranged a movie night - and watched the film "Pride and Prejudice" in the open air in the academic park of Ostroh Academy.

On Thursday, the unchanging and most recognisable event traditionally held by the Institute of Linguistics took place - the Vienna Ball, which is a celebration of grace, beauty and tenderness. 

Before the event, guests took photos in a specially equipped photo zone. The dance part of the evening started with couples of debutantes, and later, after a master class from invited choreographers, the other participants of the event joined in the waltz according to the colour of the ribbons.

Guests had the opportunity to enjoy artistic performances by students and local groups, as well as delicacies provided by local entrepreneurs.

The week's final event was the day of student self-government and the traditional Change Image Day, during which students changed their image for one day, trying on other roles unusual for everyday life.

All activities within the week of the Institute of Linguistics were charitable. Thanks to the active participation of the academic community, it was possible to collect 72 thousand hryvnias. Rector Ihor Pasichnyk made his holiday donation in the amount of 30 thousand hryvnias at the beginning of the institute week. These funds will be transferred to the charitable organisations "Tut I Zaraz", "Oseredok", and "Renegade Relief Runners" for the purchase of drones for the 68th SJBr, the 5th SABr, TacTeam, the 67th SABr, the 1st Hero of Ukraine "Da Vinci" SABr and 72nd SMBr.