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EU Career Days 2024 at Ostroh Academy

May 09, 2024

On May 8-9, the National University of "Ostroh Academy" hosted the "EU Career Days 2024". The EU Information Center based at the university arranged the event with support from the Delegation of the EU to Ukraine.

During these two days, the event organisers focused on issues concerning human rights and freedoms in the EU, institutions and legislation governing this area, the role of civil society in conflict resolution processes, and increasing awareness about the roles of EU institutions. 

The event programme included a panel discussion on "Implementation of EU Values in Project Activities of Ostroh Academy," a series of training sessions for students, and a lecture titled "Opportunities for Youth from the European Union," delivered by Ambassador for European Youth in Ukraine, Anna Lavrenyuk. 

Ruslana Kalamazh, Doctor of Psychology, professor, and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, addressed the participants with opening remarks at the panel discussion. She noted that Ostroh and Ostroh Academy in the 16th century were full-fledged members of the contemporary European space, so it is entirely appropriate that such an event is held at the National University of Ostroh Academy (NaUOA).

"We have a remarkable historical background on our path to European integration: prominent figures, patrons, influential and respected elite members since medieval times. The modern Ostroh Academy is closely integrated into the educational, scientific, and cultural space. We are implementing 11 international grant projects with European funding, which enable our lecturers and students to collaborate with their European counterparts to realise their ideas. Events like today's have already become part of our daily life. I sincerely thank the organisers, co-organisers, and especially Olha Anatoliivna Blyzniak for taking on this mission. Thanks to the trainers who conducted comprehensive training sessions, enabling students to acquire "soft skills" that are crucial for professional development and successful employment in the modern European space. I wish you fruitful discussions and excellent results for both our personal development and the institutional growth of our university on this challenging and wonderful path to Europe and the European Union."

added Ruslana Kalamazh.

Among the panel discussion speakers were Olha Balatska, Director of the I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law, Candidate of Sciences (Law), and Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines; Olena Shershniova, Director of the Institute of International Relations and National Security, Candidate of Sciences (Public Administration); Olha Stetsiuk, Head of the Project and Investment Activities Department of the Ostroh City Council Executive Committee, and a Co-founder of the NGO "Center for Social Transformations"; and Olha Yutovets, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and European Integration of the Rivne Regional State Administration. Among the guests were Taras Khmaruk, Secretary of Ostroh City Council, and Oleksandr Kharchuk, Deputy Mayor of Ostroh for Executive Bodies' Activities.

Olha Balatska spoke about the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects "Human Rights in the EU" and the "European Solutions Hub". The first project aims to study the fundamental human rights and freedoms in the EU, raise awareness about the role of EU institutions, and develop relevant legislation. The second project focuses on implementing 4 clusters: law and soft skills, security and information, Start-up and digitalisation, openness and expertise. 

Olena Shershneva highlighted the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project "Civil Society in Conflict Resolution: EU Experience for Ukraine". It is aimed at addressing specific issues related to hybrid conflicts. It is designed to develop skills for effective responses to challenges and threats.

Olha Stetsiuk shared her experience on how project and investment activities are performed at the level of hromadas (community amalgamations), the specific directions these projects work in, and the results of such activities in Ostroh (Youth Capital of Ukraine 2022).

Olha Yutovets discussed the collaboration with EU institutions within current projects and initiatives at the level of the Rivne Oblast.

Additionally, all participants had the opportunity to attend four training sessions aimed at updating and disseminating information on lifelong learning, financial literacy as a key to revitalising territorial communities in the post-war period, project opportunities for youth, and effective communication in conflicts. The training sessions were conducted by Mariia Matviichuk, Assistant Rector for Educational Management, PhD in Law and Associate Professor; Olha Demianchuk, Professor, Doctor of Science (Economics), Head of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Audit; Yuliia Shulyk, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Accounting, and Audit; and Olga Shmyndruk, Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines.

"The EU Career Days aim to promote EU values. During the events held these days, we discuss various opportunities that European integration opens up for us. And these opportunities primarily concern youth, the student elite that we nurture. Therefore, the EU Career Days are organised to help students understand the opportunities or challenges they may face in the future. I am confident that our young generation will cope with these challenges",

summarised Olha Blyzniak, Candidate of Sciences (Politics), Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Relations, and Head of the EU Information Center at the NaUOA.

By the way, the EU Career Days are annually organised by the EU initiatives network in Ukraine to acquaint and disseminate information about pathways for professional growth and career opportunities for youth in the European space, supported by the EU Delegation to Ukraine.