Lecture «European Agenda of Security. Part 2: Global Strategy of the European Union (2016)» took place at Ostroh Academy
May 23, 2023
As part of Jean Monet's project «Self-Regulated Studies of Hybrid Threats and European Security», the certificate program «European Security: Main Issues» has been continued at Ostroh Academy. The purpose of the program is to increase students' awareness of the features of the European security system in the context of the approaching accession of Ukraine to the European Union.
On May 23, an online lecture was held on the topic «European Agenda of Security. Part 2: Global Strategy of the European Union (2016)».
The lecturer is Nataliia Konopka, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations and National Security for the Quality of Education.
The project of the direction Jean Monnet of Erasmus+ program «Self-Regulated Studies of Hybrid Threats and European Security» is aimed at promoting European principles of building a strong and secure order by using new forms and methods of communication and creating a clear vision of the European security system for target audiences.