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The course «Hybrid threats and European security» was launched at Ostroh Academy

March 06, 2023

As part of the implementation of Jean Monnet's project «Self-Regulated Studies of Hybrid Threats and European Security», the course «Hybrid Threats and European Security» started at the National University of Ostroh Academy.

The lecturer is Anatolii Khudolii, head of the Department of English Philology, PhD. in Political Sciences, Professor.

«The certificate program «Hybrid Threats and European Security» is aimed at familiarizing students with the modern theory of hybrid warfare, its features and the threats it causes.»

noted Anatolii Khudolii.

After studying the discipline, students will be able to:

  • understand the historical context, conditions, circumstances and examples of the emergence of hybrid threats;
  • evaluate the concepts and categories related to the national specificity of the European Union and NATO, in order to identify and understand hybrid threats;
  • discuss and analyze examples of modern hybrid threats;
  • analyze multifaceted types of hybrid threats;
  • assess opportunities, limitations and requirements for effective use of an integrated approach to the assessment of hybrid threats;
  • describe and explain the main achievements in the field of modern security environment;
  • critically evaluate the mechanism of hybrid threats and EU approaches to their solution.

The project of the direction JeanMonnet of Erasmus+ program «Self-Regulated Studies of Hybrid Threats and European Security» is aimed at promoting European principles of building a strong and secure order by using new forms and methods of communication and creating a clear vision of the European security system for target audiences.