The all-Ukrainian youth scientific symposium, which brought 76 participants from different oblasts of Ukraine together, took place at the National University of Ostroh Academy on May 4, 2018.
The organizers of the symposium were the Faculty of International Relations as well as Oleksandr Ohlobyn Scientific Society of students and postgraduates. The schoolchildren of the general secondary educational establishments, pupils of the out-of-school educational institutions, pedagogues, students, and printed media professionals partook in the event.
The ceremony of awarding the winners of the all-Ukrainian competitions: "History in focus of present", "100th anniversary of Ukrainian diplomacy: the past, present, and prospects", "Ukrainians worldwide: yesterday, today, and tomorrow" took place within the framework of the youth symposium.
Nazar Martyniuk, Head of Oleksandr Ohlobyn Scientific Society of students and postgraduates of the Faculty of International Relations, welcomed the guests of the event. In one’s presentation, he outlined the main achievements and peculiarities of the all-Ukrainian competitions held. It was also stressed that the inhabitants of Ostroh region, as well as cultural and tourist workers, took part in the competitions, except schoolchildren and students. In separate districts and amalgamated territorial communities, special coordinating centers were established; special sections were introduced in the printed media; special videos in foreign languages were made; the thematic issues of school newspapers were prepared etc.
Nadiia Symonenko, first-year student of the specialty "International Relations" who is responsible for strategic planning at Oleksandr Ohlobyn Scientific Society of students and postgraduates, shared her own impressions of education, scientific and social activities at Ostroh Academy. She also highlighted different opportunities for youth during the volunteerism and engagement in the work of the all-Ukrainian and international youth NGOs.
Victoriia Furman, Head of the Youth Section of the Scientific Society of History of Diplomacy and International Relations, spoke of the work of Ukraine’s first Youth Section of the Scientific Society of History of Diplomacy and International Relations.
Tetiana Sushytska, Officer of the Department of International Cooperation and Fundraising, student of the Faculty of International Relations, told the participants of the scientific event about the exchange programs which exist at Ostroh Academy, having accentuated the importance of foreign languages study for successful realization in the future.
The participants of the symposium were congratulated by Alla Atamanenko, Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Ph.D. in History (Dr. hab), Professor. In one’s speech, she told about the peculiarities of the study of Ukrainians worldwide and highlighted some interesting facts from Ukraine’s history of diplomacy and state-building.
All the participants of the event were awarded valuable books, which were transferred to the Institute for the Ukrainian Diaspora Studies of NUOA by the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the US and Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta, as well as copies of the issue "Diplomacy without borders" made by the Directorate-General for Rendering Services to Diplomatic Missions.
Marharyta Shevernoha, Teacher of Ukrainian language and literature of Rakhnivka educational complex "Middle School of General Education Levels of I through III, Pre-School Education Institution", and Zhanna Berkuta, Supervisor of the Сreative Activity Center for Children and Youth of Polonne ATC, who coordinated the all-Ukrainian competitions in Polonne region, addressed themselves to the audience and shared their own impressions of the event held.
After the official part, the guests of the event were able to go on the tour of Ostroh Academy and visit the museums of Ostroh Historical and Cultural Preserve: the Museum of Books and Publishing, Local Museum, which is situated in the family Castle of Princes of Ostroh, and Mezhyrich Holy Trinity Monastery.
The organizers express sincere gratitude to everyone who participated in the event held and cherish the hope for further fruitful cooperation.