On June 14, the Head of the Department of Public Health of the NUOA, the Head of the Research Center of Human Ecology and Public Health of the NUOA, PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor Ihor Hushchuk participated in the National Forum “Ukraine 2030” which was held on the base of National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikosky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Ihor Hushchuk gave a speech during the first panel discussion “New social contract; Reasonable governance; Human capital assets” on the topic “Development of public health services in the context of Doctrine "Ukraine 2030".
According to the organizers of the forum, during 2 years 1500 experts were analyzing the situation in Ukraine and making up a perspective and innovative development plan. All this time we were experimenting, debating, creating, making strategic and tactical decisions. During the last year discussions, the Doctrine of sustainable development "Ukraine-2030" was made up. It was created in order to obtain consensus between government, businesses and civil society in key directions for the country, in particular in the matter of investment in science and education. The model of sustainable development of Ukraine proposed by the authors of the Doctrine as a system for ensuring Ukraine's well-being is based on the goals of sustainable development declared by the United Nations. Also, it takes into account both positive and negative influence of mega-trends of global development.
“The concept and strategy of the reforming of new national healthcare system were developed and discussed in 2014, but they have not been adopted so far. Currently, the Ukrainian expert medical community has developed a new concept and discussed the issues of the updated strategy of the national healthcare system. Nowadays, there is an urgent need for explanatory work, both among citizens and officials, in order to inform people that health care is not limited to receiving treatment. It is a continuous, multiple-vector and inter-sectoral process involving all structural levels: individual-group-community-society. Thus, the need to implement the principle of "Healthcare in all policies of the state" appears. This definition is used by us in the sense that "Healthcare in all policies of the state" is a nation-wide principle of recognition of the priority of safety in matters of life and health of a person, a safe environment of his or her life above all other interests and goals in the field of anthropogenic activities. It is a change of society on the basis of sustainable (balanced) development,” comments Ihor Hushchuk.
Also, the speaker added that in terms of the strategic plan (in the context of public health), it will allow to reduce the growth of morbidity (infectious and non-infectious), disability and mortality, to improve health key figures (by indicators), and to stabilize the demographic situation, to improve the environment on the basis of sustainable (balanced) development in the future.