Yesterday the historic and cultural festival "Ostroh. Renaissance 2018" was started in Ostroh, taking place for the third time. The theme of this year's festival is dedicated to the preservation and popularization of the Ukrainian cultural heritage.
"Ukraine should be proud that our glorious Ostroh is reviving. Due to the successes of the princes of Ostroh in the 15th and 16th centuries, the town was called "a capital city". Only through the ages, we managed to turn our story back. The festival "Ostroh. Renaissance" is one of the steps towards the revival of our heritage," noticed Ihor Pasichnyk, Rector of Ostroh Academy.
The opening of the event was marked by a meeting between the students, lecturers of Ostroh Academy, Ostroh citizens, guests of the festival and world-renowned Ukrainian composer Myroslav Skoryk, who was admitted into the ranks of the Honorary Doctors of Ostroh Academy.
"I am grateful to my father, who always supported my endeavors, for my musical career and subsequently fame. After my father had learnt of my musical abilities, he made lots of efforts so that I could stay on the path of a professional composer. My father really wanted me to write music for Ivan Franco's poem "Moses". In the 1960s, it was virtually impossible, but later I performed my father's will. Now fans are being pleased with my two-act opera “Moses”, which is also being toured abroad with, at the theaters in Lviv and Kyiv. I am also very pleased that my piece of music “The Melody in A-minor”, which was written for the movie “The High Pass”, became very popular. I have never expected that to happen in such a way. My admirers still express gratitude to me for it," commented Myroslav Skoryk during the inaugural speech.
Bernhard Hofstötter, who is a renowned Austrian lutenist, and Bozhena Korchynska, who is a famous Ukrainian virtuoso performer on the edge-blown flutes, performed the musical congratulations for Myroslav Skoryk. Mr. Hofstötter played the pieces of music Passamezzo hispanico (Lvivska lutnieva tabulatura), Chaconne (Francesco Corbetta), Grave (Santiago de Murcia) using a baroque guitar, which is an exact copy of the historical instrument made by Antonio Stradivari at around 1700. At the end of the event, Bernhard Hofstötter and Bozhena Korchynska performed the musical composition Recercata seconda (D. Ortiz).
On the same day, there was an opening of Mirtala Pylypenko's, who is a Ukrainian artist from the US, exhibition of sculptures, presentation of the project "Artistic and scientific work of the Pylypenko family: from the totalitarianism of the USSR to the US democracy" of the publishing house "Kyiv-Dakar-Paris", and opening of Julia Fedorovych’s exhibition "The Playlist".
Today and tomorrow, any interested person can visit the reading and tea drinking room in the open air, lectures on the history of the town, theatrical excursions, historical quests, workshops by folk artists, flash mobs, concerts, family picnics, etc.