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Student Gained "Bronze" in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad on History

May 18, 2018

Denys Havryliuk, a fourth-year student of the specialty "History", gained the III place in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad on History, which took place on May 17-18 in the Pavlo Tychyna Uman Pedagogical University.

Furthermore, the Ostroh Academy was also represented by Svitlana Movchun, a student of the 4th year of the specialty "History", and a student of the 3rd year of the specialty "History" Dmytro Symonovych, who received a certificate of appreciation for his high knowledge of the history of Ukraine.

During two days, students from all over Ukraine took part in testing, creative and analytical tasks on the history of Ukraine (from ancient times to the present time) and on the history of the world (political and socio-economic processes, international relations and European studies). Altogether in the Olympiad participated 86 students from all over the country.

Within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Contest, a round table was held on the topic "State-building in Ukraine and European experience". Historians from higher education institutions of the leading Ukrainian universities took an active part in discussing the role of the Ukrainian intelligentsia in the establishment of independent Ukraine in the late 80's and early 90's of the 20th century. As well, they talked over the relevance of the heritage of the outstanding Ukrainian scientists-statesmen of the twentieth century in modern circumstances and the usage of the experience of European nations in the process of state-building of our country.

Mykola Blyzniak, PhD in History and associate professor of the NUOA, gave a lecture on "Volyn's cities of the XVIII century. in the context of European history", during which he described the formation and development of those cities in a context of influence on the current history of European countries.

The knowledge of the participants of the Olympiad was evaluated by a qualified jury that consisted of: professor of the Pavlo Tychyna Uman Pedagogical University Tetiana Kuznets (jury chairman), professor of the National Aviation University Serhii Troian, director of a scientific institution “Entsyklopedychne Vydavnytstvo” professor Alla Kyrydo, professor of the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University Lesia Aleksiievets, professor of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Olha Koliastruk, and professors of the Pavlo Tychyna Uman Pedagogical University Zinaida Sviashchenko, Iryna and Ihor Kryvoshei.

For help during the preparation for the Olympiad, valuable advice and wise instruction, the student Denys Havryliuk is grateful to the Head of the Department of History of the Faculty of International Relations, PhD in HistoryHistorical Studies, associate professor Mykola Blyzniak and to PhD in History (Dr. hab) professor Vitalii Yaremchuk.

We sincerely congratulate Denis on victory and wish day-to-day prosperity and future triumphs!