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VIII National Convention of young political scientists took place at Ostroh Academy

May 05, 2018

The event was organized by the International Association for Political Science Students (Ukraine) and took place on May 3.

The aim of the association is a unification of the young political scientists who are interested in the study of politics and political science problems, including those who work at the intersection of related disciplines.

The annual Convention is a discussion and search for ways of solving acute conflicts of contemporary society. The format of the event is a reporting final conference. The theme of this year’s Convention, which drew the attention of many students and young scholars, is populism and post-truth politics in terms of challenges and prospects.

The participants of the Convention and the guests of the university were hailed by Petro Kraliuk, Head of the Academic Council of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ph.D. in Philosophy (Dr. hab), Professor, Serhii Teleshun, Director of the Institute of Public Administration and Local Self-Governance of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Public Politics and Political Analytics, Ph.D. in Political Science (Dr. hab), Professor, Vitalii Lebediuk, Dean of the Faculty of Political Studies and Information Management, Ph.D. in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and National Security, Hanna Renska, member of the Council of the NGO "Youth Platform "Siaivo" ("Shine")", as well as Yaroslav Teleshun, Head of the International Association for Political Science Students, postgraduate of the Department of Politology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

The participants of the Convention became the students from the National University of Ostroh Academy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Mykolaiv National University after V. O. Sukhomlynskyi, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Khmelnytskyi National University, and Kyiv National Linguistic University.

Students’ work was undertaken in the format of discussion during the break-out sessions. The moderators of the sections were young scholars: Nataliia Malynovska, Ph.D. in Political Science, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Political Science and National Security of the National University of Ostroh Academy, as well as Mykhailo Mozol, Lecturer of the Department of Political Science and National Security of the National University of Ostroh Academy.

"For the first time, the idea of a permanent international network of political science students was discussed in 1996, when the students from Leiden University visited their counterparts in Rome. The International Association for Political Science Students (Ukraine) exercises an important function of including students and postgraduates in the professional research and expert activities at the level of university, region, and state. I remember that back in 2006 Larysa Ivshyna, Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Den" ("Day"), also came forward with the idea to establish the Ostroh Club of Free Intellectual Communication of Youth, which would not only serve as "the social glue" but also shape us into the personalities. Even though the IAPSS is a specialized organization, it also establishes the network communication between the young political scientists from different regions and contributes to the formation of a new generation of the professional community of political scientists. The last time the Convention took place at our university was in 2013, and today we are pleased to welcome the political science students and everyone who is interested in political science in Ukraine. Such events are quite important, since the ones establish especial communicative space where young researchers can share ideas and discuss contemporary political processes," noticed Vitalii Lebediuk, Dean of the Faculty of Political Studies and Information Management of the National University of Ostroh Academy.

For your reference: The International Association for Political Science Students was established in 1998. It is a Youth Wing of the "mature" International Political Science Association (IPSA) and has its representations in more than 50 countries of the world at leading universities. The main partners of the International Association for Political Science Students are UNESCO and the European Commission. The International Association for Political Science Students (Ukraine) was established in April 2009. For now, the International Association for Political Science Students (Ukraine) comprises six collective members, including the National University of Ostroh Academy.

Tags: political studies, Vitalii Lebediuk, Petro Kraliuk