To the World Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent the Department of Public Health of NUOA and the Rivne regional Organization of the Red Cross of Ukraine organized and conducted a master class for the provision of first emergency care. The training was held under the slogan "Do not be indifferent, do not pass by".
“We do not have to be doctors to understand that a person needs help. The main thing is not to pass by.” - underlines the coach for teaching the population to provide first-aid skills Mariia Bielikova.
Mariia told about the activities of the Red Cross in Ukraine, the principles of its work, and taught students to provide the first qualified help before the arrival of ambulance. Students were able to train using mannequins as well as discuss behavior in extreme situations. In addition, the trainer talked about the features of providing the first emergency care to the newborn. In addition, the trainer told about the features of providing first emergency care to newborns.
Anna Holubosh a health professional provided an active help in organizing the event.
For reference: Ukrainian Red Cross Society is a a non-profit humanitarian and charitable association of Ukraine, which activities are based on the Geneva Conventions on the Protection of Victims of War of August 12, 1949, which were ratified by Ukraine on July 8, 1954, as well as their Additional Protocols.