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Vadym Yurchenko`s motion picture is in the finale of the II BRUKIVKA International Short Film Festival

June 07, 2018

The video called "Zapovit"(The Testament) of a young director was in "The Best Artistic Amateur Film" category. Vadim is a student of the 3rd year of the specialty "Ukrainian Language and Literature" at the Ostroh Academy.

In the video, princess Halshka Ostrozka passes a will to the Ostroh citizens, in which she orders the funds to the Ostroh Academy, and also mentions her forced marriages.

The motion picture was filmed in Lviv, Lutsk and Ostroh, while costumes were created by the actors of the workshop. By the way, the video was filmed to the competition "Halshka-2018", which traditionally takes place in the Ostroh Academy.

Actors from the "Look. Listen. Feel "(leader - Vadym Yurchenko) theatrical workshop, as well as students of the Academy played in the film.

In the role of the main hero of Halshka Ostrozka is Alla Shtebreht, who this year won a contest of beauty, grace and intelligence of the same name - "Galshka of the Year 2018". The role of the main character of Halshka Ostrozka is played by Alla Stenbrekht, who won a cognominal contest of beauty, grace and intelligence "Halshka 2018 " this year.

During 5 months of the procedure of the "Brukivka" film festival more than 3,200 short films from more than 120 countries were sent. More than 130 works are of Ukrainian production.The films were taken in 4 nominations: a theatrical professional film, a theatrical amateur film, an animation film and a social advertising.

The "Brukivka" film festival is the first Kamianets-Podilskyi festival of contemporary Ukrainian film, which was created to support the talented young amateur and professional filmmakers from all over Ukraine.

The short film festival will take place from 22 to 24 June 2018.

We wish Vadim and his team to win the competition!