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The XI Olympiad of Young Biblical Studies Scholars took place in the Ostroh Academy

June 02, 2018

On June 1, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted the XI All-Ukrainian Olympiad of Young Biblical Studies Scholars. Participants were preschoolers and pupils of first-sixth grades from twenty regions of Ukraine.

At the entrance participants were welcomed by the theatrical king Solomon and his servant. After that, Biblical Studies scholars were able to visit the Saint Fedir Ostrozkyi Church, where a solemn prayer service was held.

The purpose of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad "Young Bible Experts" is to increase the student interest to the Bible, to cultivate a spiritually vibrant and nationally minded personality, and to involve schoolchildren in the study of religious and moral courses.

“This competition is very important for children, it gathers those who know and glorify the Word of God from whole Ukraine. It's wonderful that it takes place in the oldest educational institution in Eastern Europe, where the first full edition of Bible was printed”, tells a teacher of the Mykolaiv Gymnasium of General Education (Donetsk oblast) Yana Pazushko

During the solemn opening ceremony of the Olympiad, the Rector of the National University of Ostroh Academy Ihor Pasichnyk congratulated the participants.

Altogether, participation in this year's Olympiad took about 400 young Bible Studies scholars. We see such a great uplift of children who are guided by Christian principles and Christian morals. It inspires”, notes a coordinator of the XI All-Ukrainian Olympiad of Young Biblical Studies Scholars, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences Vasyl Zhukovskyi.

The organizing committee of the event consists of the Rector of the National University of Ostroh Academy, PhD in Psychology, Professor Ihor Pasichnyk, the Professor of the NUOA Vasyl Zhukovskyi, the Head of the Department of Education and Science of Rivne Regional State Administration Hryhorii Tarhonskyi, the Director of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Fund "East European Humanitarian Mission"  Dariia Novikova, the Head of Education Department of the International Public Organization "Hope to the people" in Rivne Oleksandr Bondarchuk.

According to the coordinator of the XI All-Ukrainian Olympiad of Young Biblical Studies Scholars Vasyl Zhukovskyi, the participants of the Olympiad are the future of our state, and it depends on what values are laid in the souls of the younger generation. The spiritual and moral upbringing, built on the Holy Scripture, plays a decisive role in the upbringing of children and young people.

Among the competitive tests were tasks of various levels of complexity. The youngest participants, preschoolers and pupils of first-fourth grades had to make a creative task at home (drawing, application, etc.), in which it was asked to depict histories from the Bible and present at the Olympiad. Young contestants had to manifest Christian values: the love, the joy, the peace, the endurance, the kindness, the faith, the meekness, the restraint, etc. Also, the preschoolers and the pupils of first-second grades sang songs and declaimed poems glorifying God. Pupils of fifth-sixth grades presented a study of the Holy Scripture on the topic "Spiritual and moral values in the Old and New Testaments”.

According to the results of the Olympiad and in accordance with the decision of the jury, the diplomas of the winners of I, II and III degree of the XI All-Ukrainian Olympiad of Young Biblical Studies Scholars awarded the participants:

        1st place:

Anna Tsymbalista (the pupil of the Christian Pre-School Studio "The Treasurer of Wisdom" of Ostroh Church of the Baptist Christians);

Anhelina Shylo (the pupil of first grade of Novovolynsk Middle School of General Education No. 7);

Veniamin Meshkov (the pupil of second grade of Rivne Gymnasium “Harmoniia”);

Artem Dzhelep (the pupil of third grade of Balyntsi Middle School of General Education);

Sofiia Trofymchuk (the pupil of fourth grade of Kolodenka Middle School of General Education);

Danylo Lihotskyi  (the pupil of fifth grade of Mykhailo Kravchuk Gymnasium No. 21 in Lutsk);

Danyil Lizak (the pupil of sixth grade of Khoriv Middle School of General Education);


        2nd place:

Davyd Andreiev (the pupil of the Pre-School «Veselka» in Rozvazh);

Polina Pidhaina (the pupil of Educational Centre in Dovzhytsia, Chernivetska Oblast);

Sofiia Martynovych (the pupil of first grade of Middle School of General Education No. 11 in Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytska Oblast);

Mariia Tsisar (the pupil of first grade of Novovolynsk Gymnasium, Volyn Oblast);

Anna Kuchynska (the pupil of second grade of Kamianets-Podilskyi Middle School of General Education No. 15, Khmelnytska Oblast);

Danyil Kuzmych (the pupil of third grade of Middle School of General Education in Yasnohirka);

Orest Torchylo (the pupil of fourth grade of Middle School of General Education in Yasnohirka);

Pavlo Trembovetskyi (the pupil of fourth grade of Educational Centre in Vinkivtsi, Khmelnytska Oblast);

Humeniuk Emmanuela (the pupil of fifth grade of Private Middle School of General Education «NOVA ShKOLA» in Kamianets-Podilskyi);

Illia Nychyporuk (the pupil of fifth grade of Middle School of General Education in Masevychi);

Andrii Haniuk (the pupil of fifth grade of Middle School of General Education in Liublynets, Volyn Oblast);

Yuliia Finkevych (the pupil of sixth grade of Mykhailo Kravchuk Gymnasium No. 21 in Lutsk);

Serhii Achilov (the pupil of sixth grade of Educational Centre in Vinkivtsi, Khmelnytska Oblast);

          3d place:

Solomiia Zahrebelna (the pupil of the Christian Pre-School Studio "The Treasurer of Wisdom" of Ostroh Church of the Baptist Christians);

Mykhailo Tkachuk (the pupil of first grade of Shumsk Gymnasium, Khmelnytska Oblast);

Serhii Martynenko (the pupil of second grade of Novomalyn Middle School of General Education No. 8, Volyn Oblast);

Ioanna Trokhymenko (the pupil of second grade of Sniatyn Middle School of General Education, Ivano-Frankivska Oblast);

Eleonora Humeniuk (the pupil of third grade of Private Middle School of General Education «NOVA ShKOLA» in Kamianets-Podilskyi);

Anna Boboretska (the pupil of third grade of Kolodenka Middle School of General Education);

Veronika Bodan (the pupil of fourth grade of Zahirtsivsk Middle School of General Education, Ternopilska Oblast);

Kateryna Muzychka (the pupil of fourth grade of Demydivka Lyceum);

Kateryna Frydrykh (the pupil of fifth grade of Educational Centre in Derman);

Dmytro Shyba (the pupil of fifth grade of Educational Centre Gymnasium «SOFIYa» in Kyiv);

Mark Prykhodko (the pupil of fifth grade of Middle School of General Education No. 26 in Rivne);

Torhalo Marharyta (the pupil of sixth grade of Middle School of General Education No. 15, Cherkaska Obslast);

Anton Diachuk (the pupil of sixth grade of Novomalyn Middle School of General Education No. 6, Volyn Oblast);

Oksana Miskevych (the pupil of sixth grade of Kivertsi Experimental School, Volyn Oblast);

Veronika Zvolska (the pupil of sixth grade of Educational Centre Gymnasium «SOFIYa» in Kyiv).

The winners who took the 1st place in each age category of the XI All-Ukrainian Olympiad of Young Biblical Studies Scholars received a memorable gifts in the form of a figurine.

All winners received memorable acquisitions and additional diplomas (certificates) from the Department of Education and Science of Rivne Oblast State Administration, Rivne Oblast Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Ostroh Town Council, Ostroh Regional State Administration.

All participants of the Olympiad (both winners and laureates) except diplomas and letters got pamphlets of Christian literature from Ukrainian Missionary Society “Svitlo Na Skhodi” (“Light in the East”), All-Ukrainian Charity Fund “Skhidnoievropeiska Humanitarna Misiia” (“Eastern European humanitarian mission”) and Christian Missionary Society of Mercy “Hedeon”.

“It is quite symbolic that the Olympiad takes place within the walls of the Ostroh Academy. Exactly in the Ostroh Academy was made the Ostroh Bible, an invaluable treasure for each of us. We hope that the participants of the Olympiad will continue to develop interests in studying of the Bible and will live guided by Christian principles and Christian morals”, adds prof. Ihor Pasichnyk, the Rector of the NUOA.