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About Aggressive Journalism by Ihor Koltunov: Top 8 Tips

May 17, 2018

On May 16, a Ukrainian journalist, correspondent of the program "Hroshi" on the 1 + 1 channel Ihor Koltunov visited the National University of Ostroh Academy and gave a lecture on aggressive journalism.

Participants were able to view Ihor Koltunov's journalistic videos and discuss them at the meeting. In particular, the well-known journalist gave some tips to those who want to work in the media and – because of the specifics of the profession – will be forced to obtain material in any way.

Thus, you should:

  1. speak in the language of the interviewer, since this produces a subconscious influence on a person.
  2. try behavior “jungle” pattern because you must forget about the general journalistic rules of etiquette and representation and sometimes act even provocatively in order to get sensational material.
  3. leave the "comfort zone", constantly develop and move forward; you should not stay in one place if you want to become a top-notch journalist.
  4. remember that nobody becomes a journalist right away, at the beginning of career, you need to do any work, because any experience is useful.
  5. remember that sociability is what will be a guarantee of your success, because your potential employer is not interested in your diploma, appearance or personal qualities. The main thing that a journalist needs is an ability to speak and act in any situation.
  6. get acquainted with new people as much as possible because the more you have acquaintances who work in various spheres of life, the more you have the opportunity to learn about the prospects of career growth, vacancies and valuable advice for self-formation in the professional field.
  7. be a public person, keep a personal blog, stay in the center of events, and take more videos because you are already preparing yourself for media activity.
  8. believe in yourself, in your own strength, and disregard the opinions of others, especially if you get advice to stop.

According to the author, aggressive journalism manifests itself in various – sometimes even unethical – ways of obtaining information as the main resource for the working of the media.

“I have already had such lectures before. I have already talked about the peculiarities of the media work on "1 + 1" with students of National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” and V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. I'm happy to share my experiences with others and, perhaps, inspire someone”, tells the lecturer.

Ihor Koltunov notes that special trainings are being held for starters to help them get into the rhythm faster and understand the specifics of work in the media.

“I was amazed by what I had heard and seen. Mini-lifehacks from Ihor Koltunov are very interesting, and I think that I will use them in the future. Above all, whenever media workers come to our university, I am happy because it is a direct opportunity to communicate with them and pick up their experience. They do not tell only about the benefits and the best options of the profession but also tell about the possible difficulties, and it helps to psychologically get ready and adjust”, commented a student of the second year of the Faculty of Humanities Daryna Lazarchuk.