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4th Season Of Smart Challenge Business Championship Was Presented in Ostroh Academy

September 16, 2016

The presentation of Smart Challenge Business Case Solving Championship took place at the National University of Ostroh Academy on 13 September.

Smart Challenge is a business game aimed at solving a case, which is management, social or economic problem connected with the situation that is relevant to a particular company, such as making a promotion or image-building strategy for the company).

Smart Challenge was initiated in June 2015 and has already become an efficient communication platform for entrepreneurs and youth. The interest of the huge companies of the region to the Championship is growing each season along with the number of participants.

Over 200 students has taken part in previous seasons of the Championship. 10 contenders are already employed and a great number of participants have had the opportunity to do an internship, to gain managerial experience and to have an excursion to the works and offices of partner companies.

20 students of Ostroh Academy have already taken part in the Championship. The teams from our university had huge success in 2nd season: Faculty of Economics team got the 1st place, Psychology team got the 2nd place and Department of Documentation and Information team got the 3rd place. The next season Faculty of Economics team got the 3rd place.

This time as a part of presentation of the 4th season of the Championship the students had the opportunity to talk to representatives of partner companies Molokiiatm, Verallia Ukrainetm, Nestletm, Renome Group, Eskada-Mtm.

The students were introduced to the real life stories of successful business management. They also got a lot of advice about career development and could understand what qualifications are needed by today’s Ukrainian and international employers.

At the presentation the students were told about the opportunities and ways of self-fulfilment by Eskada-Mtm top manager Hennadii Sheludko, Verallia Ukrainetm HR manager Olena Korol, Renome Group marketing director Olena BIlyk, Trochyntm HR manager Svitlana Piliuk, and Molokiiatm communication officer Anna Serebrianska. Beside the point, the prime sponsor of 4th season of the Championship Molokiiatm gave some presents to the students.

The speakers recommended that the students keep up with the pace of development of modern world. Three more pieces of advice they gave are as follows: to think globally and not to underestimate one’s own significance; to learn to make plans and to realize your ideas; to learn foreign languages, especially English.

Taras Komarenko, Smart People director and the Championship organiser, also gave students a few tips.

«I am so excited about the project! We have a great opportunity to test our business case solving skills. Moreover, it gives us a chance to be employed by the companies not only of our region, but also of the whole world. Famous companies appeared to be not so distant and unattainable, but rather accessible. I found out that it is possible to become an employee of a popular company in the long term. The only thing needed is to put your mind to it and your efforts into it»,

says Inna Kalitko, Faculty of Political Studies and Information Management student.

The final of the Championship will take place in the National University of Ostroh Academy on 1 October. The participants will have to solve the business-case of the prime sponsor of 4th season of the Championship Molokiiatm.

After the presentation of the project, Eskada-Mtm initiated the discussion of the book «The Ideal Executive» by Ichak Adizes.