The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


The National University of Ostroh Academy invites foreigners to become students of one of the most prestigious educational institution. More information can be found here.

The National University of Ostroh Academy receive the status of autonomous research national higher educational establishment.


Ostroh Academy abounds with the projects which welcome the students willing to actively participate, reveal their creative potential and realize their selves.

Leadership Foundry in Ostroh Academy

September 15, 2016

What skills should a real leader have? What is diagnostics, methodics and harmonogram? Those questions were answered during Ostroh Leadership Foundry, which was taking place in Ostroh Academy from 9 to 12 September.

Ostroh Leadership Foundry is a series of educative trainings for young people who are interested in politics, future of the local community and want to realise social projects aimed at development of their hometown.

The main purpose of the leader school is supporting the youth, encouraging taking part in social and political life of the region, introducing the students to successful enterprises realised in Płużnica, Poland. Ostroh Leadership Foundry was also aimed at giving practical advice on making a project, realising the principles of local governance and public speech.

The leader school consists of 3 phases. The first one, which has taken place in Ostroh, implies 3 days of project making trainings. The next phase is making the project itself. It will be held in November in Poland.

The lessons and consultations were given by an expert group from Poland: Jolanta Skonecka, Marcin Skonecka and Justyna Jankowska. The trainers have practical experience of successful implementation of social, educational and cultural projects within local community.

The participants were working in teams, developing an electoral campaign and had the opportunity to their skills into practice making potential social projects for their town.