The solemn initiation ceremony at the National University of Ostroh Academy began with the congratulations of Ostroh historic characters: Prince Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi, founder of the Academy, Halshka Ostrozka, its promoter, Herasym Smotrytskyi, first Rector of the Academy, and Ivan Fedorov, a printer and enlightener.
Following the ancient tradition, the ceremony featured a march of Ostroh Academy professors and students being called ’the spudei’ like in Ostroh Slavic Greek Latin Academy of the 16th century, and their solemn oath.
With the participation of the parents of the new coming students, the academic community opened another sculptural composition in the Academy’s yard: Pasichnyk’s Painted Easter Egg (Ihor Pasichnyk is the Rector of the University) created by blacksmith Artem Volskyi and inspired by Mykola Bendiuk, a fine art restorer and local history expert.
The guests of the University also opened sculptures Music Streams, Boat Flows, Mother in the student park next to the library. They were all created for Ostroh Academy by a famous sculptor Mykola Sivak.