On 15 May, Liubov Markevych from Chicago (Illinois, USA), who is of Ukrainian descent, visited Ostroh Academy National University .
Liubov Markevych brought her own photographic exhibition Life Goes On, dedicated to Chornobyl Tragedy. It opened after the meeting with the students.
Mrs. Markevych gave short comments to each of the photos depicting devastated houses, landscapes near Chornobyl and the contiguous villages, and the 4th reactor of Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant, which caused the catastrophe. Liubov Markevych said that the reactor was the most dangerous thing to take picture of, since the level of radiation is very high there and it is dangerous for health. Besides, armed security officers did not let the visitors step into that area.
The exhibition will last several days.
Liubov Markevych promised to visit Ostroh Academy again in autumn to give a masterclass for the students of the College of Political Studies and Information Management whose major is psychology, since she teaches psychology at American lyceums.