On 14 February, the presentation of teaching complex on Christian Ethics was held at Ostroh Academy National University. Project supervisor and the initiator, Director of the Centre for Religion Studies, professor of the Department of Linguistics of the College of Romance and Germanic Languages Vasyl Zhukovskyi together with co-authors, teachers, lecturers and students from different regions, shared their achievements and showed the printed books ready for teaching. The authors’ and publishers’ aim was to inform school students about the Christian moral values, to assist in establishing of their outlook, sensual, mental, and communicative skills of the young person. The idea for the complex evolved from the necessity to implement changes into the school subject Christian Ethics.
The new schoolbooks have been published with the circulation of 500,000 and will be spread among schools free of charge. The authors plan to continue working on the project to develop a complete secondary school complex and believe that school teachers and students will appreciate their work.