The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


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Mykola Porovskyi Met Students

May 13, 2008

A meeting with famous politician, MP of the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th  convocation of Verkhovna Rada, head of Republican Christian Party of Ukraine Mykola Porovskyi took place in Ostroh Academy National University on 13 May.    

During the meeting Mykola Porovskyi presented his books …I Bureiu Bytwa Hrymila (…And So the Battle Thundered) depicting the struggle of Ukrainian Insurrectional Army in 1943-1944. These are the memoirs of V. Chermoshentsev (UIA soldier, a Russian from Crimea) about the fortitude, readiness to sacrifice one’s life and willpower of the fighters for Ukraine’s independence. Ostroh Academy students and lecturers are convinced that publication and circulation of such books can shatter the untruthful myth about UIA soldiers, propagated by the Soviet Union, and will help to understand their importance in the development of the Ukrainian State.

“I had to work much in archives, to work on the book based on historic events. It means to go back to the year 1943, to co-worry, to talk to fighters and people of that time, to imagine how the sun was shining then and the leaves were rustling in the forest,” told the author during the presentation.

Mykola Porovskyi was born in Zaritsk village in Rivne region. In 1979 he graduated from the College of the Construction at Ukrainian Institute of Water Ecomony.
Mykola Porovskyi took part in the establishment of Rivne Society of the Ukrainian Language Admirers, was one of the founders of Narodnyi Rukh of Ukraine (People’s Movement) party. He also organized a Chain of Unity in 1990 and took part in the proclamation of Act of Independence of Ukrainian State being among those who brought the State Flag into Verkhovna Rada.

During the visit to Ostroh academy the guest answered the questions about his book and current political situation in Ukraine.

At the end of the meeting Rector of Ostroh Academy National University Ihor Pasichnyk presented Mykola Porovskyi with the work of OA scholars Ostroh Bible In The Context of Ukrainian and European Cultures and historical and intellectual detective story Dioptra by Vice-Rector of OANU, professor, member of the National Association of Ukrainian Writers Petro Kraliuk, PhD.