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Leading Economists Discussed Ukrainian Financial System

May 12, 2008

The 6th annual scientific conference Financial System of Ukraine: Formation and Development took place in Ostroh Academy National University on 16-17 May 2008.

This year, more than 168 reporters applied for participation in the conference; 29 of them are Doctors of Economics, 78 are Candidates, 81 are postgraduate students. They represented more than 52 higher educational institutions from all regions of Ukraine, 6 research institutes, and also banks and financial institutions from 15 regions. Arndt Kümpel, the representative of German business elite, a leading specialist in banking area, marketing consultant of the Community of Independent States, was among the guests.

The conference embraced such directions, as transformation of Ukrainian budget and taxation system, financial aspects of state social policy, topical issues of financial and credit relations and ways of their resolution, financial aspects of foreign-economic activity and modern tendencies of financial market development. The participants of the conference had an opportunity to listen to the reports of the leading specialists not only in the sphere of finance, but also to the representatives economical cybernetics domain.

After the conference the works of all reporters will be published in the edition Scientific Abstracts: Economics Series.